Thursday, January 7, 2010

Left today :(

Seeing my mom and dad leave today was one of the hardest things I have ever done. For a few reasons.
The grandkids crying, showing their emotion and grief for time that they would have away from their grandparents. Their sweet tender tears. Some of the kids were trying to hide, some just wanted to cling to grandma and grandpa and i saw Alex being strong for his little sisters. It was very sweet, yet painful.
It hurt seeing the agony that it all was on mom and dad. They had tears and sorrow yet they were being "brave" to make us feel better. It was a peace in seeing their smiles and laughter in the mist of such heartache...they are absolutely amazing!! God you are so prevalent in their lives!!!!
For me, today was so extremely rough. At times I would just start to cry over the littlest stuff.... song, a thought or just looking at them. I wanted to go early today before they left and help get things done, but I felt bad because all I would do was cry, or leave the room so they would not see the tears. How, how can I go without my parents for 6 or so months. It seems silly in some ways. They are not dying or dead. That is the end here on earth. We are not fighting, it's only 6 months but still how can I do it?
Well, yes, I know I have the answer to that,I can do it through JESUS....that's how we all can make it through this time! I believe they will touch lives, people who are longing to see even a glimpse of the love and joy we have as a family. People who think happiness is only a fairytale, people seeking a friend and people seeking a God. My parents are a bright light going into a dark place and they will bring His Kingdom here on earth.........I praise God for this!
Peace Father peace to my mom and dad! Please!!!!

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